Enterprise GTM School (OnDemand)

Sales Strategy & Process


Develop the skills to think critically about your current sales process and make improvements that will optimize the performance of your sales team. 

Key Topics:

  • The bowtie model for growth vs. the traditional sales funnel  

  • 5 steps to improving sales results 

  • Sales playbooks and optimizing your sales process 

Core Skills:

  • Mapping your customer journey to the bowtie model and identifying how each key moment factors in to your business 

  • Using the 5-step model to optimize your sales process and improve your organization’s sales results 

  • Creating a sales playbook that incorporates clear steps to enable your sales team to drive results 

InstructorVictor Adefuye |  LinkedIn - Victor is a professional sales coach and sales mentor who has helped clients ranging from B2B startups to Fortune 500 companies  increase their revenue by millions of dollars.

Designer Bio


Who Should Take

Results to Expect

Homework, Assignments, or Expectations

Attendance Requirements


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