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Sales Metrics for Recurring Revenue Companies



Building on the basics of Intro to Recurring Revenue Metrics, this course explores some of the critical sales-focused metrics that you’ll need to understand to be a successful sales leader.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop a base level understanding of the terms and language of Sales metrics in recurring revenue, B2B technology companies

  • Understand the basis for individual goals and team goals for Sales professionals

  • Gain an appreciation for the terms, metrics and performance goals that Sales leadership uses

  • Increase comfort level in discussions with Sales leadership that center around revenue goals, Sales performance measurements and Sales performance metrics

  • Develop the  foundation to build upon as you progress your career journey into Sales management and executive Sales leadership roles in a recurring revenue business

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Who Should Take

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Homework, Assignments, or Expectations

Attendance Requirements


Become the leader we know you can be

Develop your career alongside a powerful network of peers and enable your team to reach new heights