Pavilion Digital Cookie Policy

This Pavilion Cookie Policy (the “Cookie Policy”) describes how Revenue Collective, Inc., a Delaware corporation d/b/a Pavilion (“Pavilion”, “we”, “our”, “us”) uses cookies and similar technologies through our Service including our website (“Website”). Capitalized terms not defined in the Cookie Policy shall have the meaning set forth in the Terms of Service or the Privacy Policy.

By using our Website, you acknowledge that this Cookie Policy is part of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, and is incorporated by reference. By accessing or using our Website, you agree to be bound by the Terms and Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to our Terms of Service or Privacy Policy, do not access or use our Website.



Cookies are small pieces of text used to store information on web browsers when you visit a website. It serves a variety of functions, like enabling us to remember certain information you provide to us as you navigate between pages on our Website. Some cookies expire after a certain period of time depending on what we use it for. Cookies are useful because they help us make your experience on our Website more custom tailored to you by recognizing your trends and devices (e.g. your laptop or mobile device). In this Cookie Policy, we refer to all of these technologies as “cookies”. 



Cookies help us provide, protect and improve our Services. Through cookies we can provide personalized content, tailored and measured ads, and provide a safer experience. The cookies that we use include session cookies, which are deleted when you close your browser, and persistent cookies, which stay in your browser until they expire or you delete them. Some cookies are required for technical reasons in order for our Websites to operate. Other cookies enable us and the third parties we work with to track and target the interests of visitors to or on our Website. 

2.1. Authentication. We use cookies to verify your account and determine when you’re logged in so that we can make it easier for you to access the Websites and provide you with appropriate experience and features. For example, we use cookies to keep you logged in as you navigate between our Website pages. Cookies also help us remember your browser, so you don’t have to keep logging in. 

2.2. Security and product integrity. We use cookies to help us keep your Account, data and the Websites safe and secure. For example, cookies can help us identify and impose additional security measures when someone may be attempting to access your account without authorization. We also use cookies to store information that allows us to recover your Account in the event you forget your password, or to require additional authentication if you tell us that your Account has been hacked.  

We also use cookies to combat activity that violates our agreements and policies. For example, cookies help us fight spam and phishing attacks by enabling us to identify computers that are used to create large numbers of fake accounts or underage people from registering for accounts.   

2.3. Advertising, recommendations, insights and measurement. We may cookies to help us show ads and to make recommendations to you and other people who may be interested in the products, services or causes we promote. We may sometimes use cookies delivered by third parties to track the performance of our advertisements and to help measure the performance of those ad campaigns provided through our Website. We may also provide cookies to our Business Partners with whom you interact with through our Services in order to provide you with those Services. Cookies allow us to provide insights about the people who use the Services, as well as the people who interact with the ads, websites and apps of our advertisers and the businesses that we partner with. For example, these cookies remember which browsers have visited our websites. The information provided to third parties does not include personal information, but this information may be re-associated with personal information after it is received. This process helps us manage and track the effectiveness of our marketing efforts.  

2.4. Website and Service Features and Performance. We use cookies to enable the functionality that helps us provide the best experience and services to you. These cookies help us analyze how the Websites are being accessed and used, help us track performance, and help us keep the Websites secure. For example, we use cookies to get insights regarding the Website and its products and developments, such as page speed or customized features. We also use cookies to help provide you with content relevant to your location and needs.

2.5. Analytics and Research and Preferences. We use cookies to better understand how people use the Websites and analyze which products or services people find most useful and engaging. This helps us identify features that could be improved.



You can remove or disable cookies via your browser by referring to your browser’s configuration documentation, since the steps for doing so are usually browser-specific. You may also opt-out of cookies through your Account? One important note is that removing or disabling cookies might adversely impact your ability to use our Websites effectively. Enabling cookies ensures a smoother experience you interact on our Services.



We reserve the right to update this Cookies Policy at any time, without prior notice to you, and any changes will become effective immediately upon posting. If we make material changes to this privacy policy, we will notify you by e-mail via the primary e-mail address specified in your Account or through a notice on the Website home page. You are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date, active, and deliverable e-mail address for you or if you do not have an Account, for periodically visiting our Website and this policy to check for any changes. Your continued use of our Website following posting of any Cookie Policy changes constitutes your acceptance of such changes. The effective date of this Cookie Policy, and the last revised date is identified at the [top/bottom] of the page. 



If there are any questions or concerns regarding this Cookie Policy you may contact us at

5.1. Timing. We try to respond to all legitimate requests within 30 days of your request. Occasionally it may take us longer and, in such cases, we will notify you of the delay, and may continue to update you regarding the progress of our response.

5.2. Legal Obligations. You will not be subject to discrimination as a result of exercising your rights described in this Cookie Policy. In some cases, when you exercise one of your rights, we may be unable to comply with the request due to legal obligations or otherwise, or we may be unable to provide you with certain products or services. These responses are not discrimination and our reasons for declining your request or ceasing services will be provided at that time.